So this morning Hudsun woke up for school, came out of his room, and was shaking his head! I said "son what is the matter?" he said "Mom I just had the most terrifying dream!" I said "Oh yeah what was it about?" he said "I can't tell you I can only tell Ady!" which is a girl in his class. I didn't quite know how to respond to that! I thought I was the person you tell everything to!
A couple of days ago he stayed at my parent's house overnight. He loves to get up in the morning and help with early morning chores. My mom kept having to get after him because he wanted to play in the milk for the calves and then he wanted to go roll in the ground corn for the cows. Anyways after my mom telling him to stop he turned to her and said "NoKay" which means this is not okay of course Huhuh started laughing because he always seems to get the best of all of us!
Hudsun is loving school, and his teacher. He always comes home spelling some new word which I think is fabulous! But, everytime I tell him to do something he tells me "No, you are not the boss of me my teacher is." So simple tasks like brushing his teeth or picking up his toys has become a new challenge around here. I told him that I guess we are going to have to move Mrs. Fuchs in with us and he just laughs!